About Us

We are a group of genetic counselors with an interest in public discussion of genetics-related issues. This is a place for GCs to express opinions and comment on personal, clinical, and professional issues in genetics through a centralized and public forum. We hope to engage the genetic counseling community as well as other health professionals and stakeholders.  We encourage your feedback, and always appreciate a good debate!

For more about the thinking behind this initiative, see Allie’s welcome post.

The opinions expressed on this blog are strictly those of the individual authors, and do not represent those of our employers or our professional organizations. We are not-for-profit and do not have any financial affiliations or financial backing.

Interested in becoming involved? Leave a comment here, or email alliejanson[at]gmail.com

8 responses to “About Us

  1. This is wonderful. I read Allie’s blog regularly and look forward to reading this one as well! Let me know if you need any assistance and good luck!

  2. Hello there, I like the place and sure we’ll love to chat with you all in a next future. I wish my French colleagues could read you ;-)) as we are very few to share your vision.

    “There is a role of GCs to help consumers understand their risks in the context of their family history, to assist consumers in sharing this information with their doctors, and to work with general practitioners to help integrate this information into their practice.”

  3. Laurie Middendorf

    What a great place. I am not a GC but I have developed the DNA bug…must be in my genes, hahaha! I am so glad I found this site…thanks once again to the Sharon Terry and all the wonderful people at GA.

    I have so many tax returns to get finished… 😦 I’d prefer to just read and read and read.

  4. Pingback: New York Times Weighs in on GC Conflict of Interest | The DNA Exchange

  5. hello mam….need your help regarding doctorate in genetic counselling…im from india….we don’t have a masters in genetic counselling but i have done masters in applied genetics…and entering the field of clinical genetic counselling…im keenly interested in doing doctorate in genetic counselling…so can u please guide me in this..
    thank u

  6. DBR

    Hi! I am an undergraduate student interested in pursuing genetic counseling. I just finished taking a human genetics and cancer genetics class and I have been freaking out because I absolutely loved those classes and talking 24/7 about genetics & related information and next quarter I will not have classes related to genetics. I’m very glad to have found this site. 🙂

  7. truebluewind

    So happy to find this blog. I’ve seen in posts from 2013 that you mentioned 4 companies that offer NIPS. I recently heard of a newish company Nxgen and have had little luck tracking down tangible data for their company. Have you thought about doing a new blog post giving the run down of all the diff companies, their pluses and minuses, as well as any knowledge on their track records? And why a given OB would offer one over the other?

    FYI: Nxgen came to my attention because they were offering a promotion at a friends OB that all pts (including low-risk) could get NIPS for only $10. This seemed like a bit of an ethical issue and also made me wonder if they are data mining and or have an exclusivity contract with the OB.

  8. Tina Myers

    I’m sorry to bother you with this unrelated question but i don’t know where or who to ask. I am a beginning author writing a fantasy novel involving genetic engineering. I am wondering if I would be able ask someone questions as I’m researching for my book. PLEASE
    Tina Myers

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